Before we start touring, lets review why We are here

How do we help make a better you ?

Highlevel, We assist in building the following Circuit movement. But in this Tour we only look into Creation/Using for the planning, the Doing and a brief bit on Reviewing.


The tour shows the fundamental screens and a few of their prominent Controls and Yoga entities. These are the basic landmarks and uses. Rather than go deep very little will be shown to you. Other parts of the help system are tutorials, Documentation, and FAQS

Some Friendly Advice :

Being a tool this does not replace an awesome accreditted Yoga teacher. Make sure you consult your health care provider before doing any Yoga. The teacher-student bond has existed a long time. Technology is trying to take the mastery away from the teachers and let the student think they are the master. Technology is awesome, but we are in the wild west currently. This tool depends on technology but d oes not let it or their CEO's gain control over you. Seek out great teachers and others on the similar path as you. We are in an age where you can drown in information. Videos abound, but a bond with a good teacher is King.